Thursday, November 5, 2009

Processing Black and White Photos

First this you need to do is to load the film onto the reel and put it on the tank. Now lay the stuff infront of you and learn were they are and what they are. After you learn were they are u need to turn off the lights.

Step 1: In the dark, take the film from the cassette, then pull the flat end off the 35mm canister and unwind the film and take the end of the film from the spool by peeling off the tape in total darkness ! ! !

Step 2: Load the film onto a plastic film reel if you're a beginner and a metal reel if you're more experienced, if you'd like you can use plastic, it's all up to you. If you're using the plastic film reel slide one end of the film into a slot on the outer edge of the reel and feed it through the camer until it loads.

Step 3: Put the reel in the film tank. Now that the reel in in the containar you can turn on the light. Now you will need the following chemicals out in front of you: a filme developer, a stop bath, and a fixer with hardener, and a hypo eliminatro bath.

Step 4: First make sure the temperature of the chemicals is good, development is directly affected by two things the speed of the film and the temperature of the developer.

Step 5: Pour your developer into the open part of the sealed film can and cover it, do not open the whole can. Slightly turn the tank upside down every minute. Tap the tank several times after turning it upright to remove air bubbles. Develop the fil for the time that the packaging recommends. When you finish lift the lid off slightly to poor out the developer.

Step 6: pour running water into the pour spot for one minute to stop the development. You could mix some glacial acetic acid with the water and let the film set for 30 seconds to get the developer off. This is know as stop bath.

Step 7: Use a fixer with hardener to help keep scratches off of the negative. Fixing can take up to 5-10 minutes depending on what fixer you are using, so make sure to pay attention to what the fixer directions say.

Step 8: Remove the cover cover of the tank completly and sit the film in cold runing water for five minutes. You will want to pull out a small amount of the film to see if your negatives came out well.

Step 9: You need to get al the fixer ogg the negatives to avoid the white stains on them. Pour a tankful of Hypo Eliminator and let it set for 2 mins.

Step 10: Wash the film for exactly 5 minutes, no more and no less.

Step 11: pull the film out of the tank. Do not touch the surface of the negatives ! Use washing pins or film clips to hang the film to dry in a dust-free area.

Step 12: In about 1-2 hours, the film will dry annd u need to use scissors to cut the film into strips of six long negatives. Do not cut the film it self just the space you can cut. Store the negative in clear glassline envopes or PVC plastic negative pages.

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