Friday, December 11, 2009

Ethics in Fashion Photography

1.They make the lips bigger , the neck longer ,the forehead bigger by moving the eyebrows a little bit down,they mess with the hair , they make her face look skinnier and they make skin a little bit darker

2. I do not think its ok to change someones face because it is not the real person when you finish messing with it and this disorts the perception of beauty.

3.I think that they are more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation.

4.I think that if you just need to cover up the face some weres if u missed a spot of makeup or just change a little details. Some that you should not do is do not change the neck or change the eyes to make them better shaped or even mess with the skin color.

5.In fashion photography people try to get the perfect picture and they even work on it on photoshop just to make it look better, and a photojournalist is someone who takes pictures of things exactly the way they are.
Its just the difference between the words fashion and journalism.

6.In fashion they just want to sell their stuff and they dont care if they have to lie to people or even change a whole face to make people think they could look like that so this has no relation to reality.
In photojournalism photographers want to take pictures of the reality to inform people no matter if they like it or not.It is always the truth so the relation to reality is big.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Editing Photos for publications using Photoshop

[Yearbook Edit]

[Newspaper Edit]

[Online Edit]

Monday, December 7, 2009

My first print

1.a)The boy in front that is writing is in focus but the person in the back is not.
b)The person in the background is not in focus because I only tried to get a good focus on the boy.

2.a)I think the contrast is pretty good because you can even see the small things without a problem but the hand isn't that good because you cant tell the hand apart from the paper.

3.I just went close and I think that the subject fills the frame very good and you can see him writing.

4.No yellowing/spots.

5.No rings.

6.Everything at its right place :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Negatives evalution

1. I think alot of my pictures turned out really good, some of them i saw were a bit blurry though.

2. Like 2 or 3 didnt turn out so well i think, probably because i moved a bit while i took the picture or i wasnt paying attention to the lighting or focus.

3. The viewpoint is very good and it is not at all blurry.

4. Composition was snicely done the focus was pretty good, not blurry at all. You can ee everything clearly in the negative.

5. I tried to experiment with my viewpoint and tou can see that in most of my pictures and very good in my favorite negative.

Photo Manipulation and ethics

1)A. People at the newspaper used photo shop or other soft wares like it to manipulate the photos. They would take things out or even add things to the photos. Altering a photo for newspapers is illegal, and people were being fired for the manipulation of those photos.

B. I think its just unethical, if your altering a photo just because you want it to look better isn't right. When you do that you aren't telling the truth about what really happened.

2)A.The picture that i think is the most unethical is the one with the missles because why whould u tell the public there was 4 missles that launched but only 3 realy did. That would mean that the missles were not working right and they might feel unsafe.

B. the one that is the least unethical is the guy standing next to thelong metal pipe. Its the least unethical because they jusy messed with his hand they did not change nothing major to it

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

American Soldier slideshow and captions

2) A. The most powerful image i saw was when Ian was standing in front of his jeep on security details because new the site two rocket attacks were reported near by.

B. The senquence that is most powerful is the life in iraq slideshow because it shows what they are doing in there and what is going on when people first go to iraq and how it feels to be in a war zone.

C. The images work together to tell a powerful story about how it is to be in the army, it shows all the stress, the struggles and the drama he goes through.

3)A. The verbs in the pictures are present verbs like if it is actually happening right now.

B. The caption enhance the photographs because it tells you what is going on in the photo instead of guessing what is happening.

4) 1. Jon is taking a walk threw the woods after the first day of training.

2. On the third week of training jon is comming up on gun jamming and trys to fix it while he squad is trying to sucure the area.

3. Jon taking the dead from a attack back to there squad for medical attenchion

5)A.It enhanses them because it shows more detai of whats actually going on in the picture.

B.The videos are better because their more better to see like
shows more things u know.

C.Photos are better than videos because in the videos they show like more emothion and explains more whats going on than in the picture u kinda have guess for yourself

Marlboro Marine audio slideshow

A.Some of the skills that Luis Sinco used is a slideshow and while the slideshow went he told he story about what happened.

B. Some things that were affective of this slideshow was that it was show how the people who came back for the wars shows how they have hard times going back into the normal way of life.

A. The most powerful picture i saw was when he was just sitting there and just thingingn about killing him self and what to do next in his life. Also it seemed that he was depressed because of the other human beings he had killed.

B.The most powerful sequence was when he was getting maried because it shows that he was trying to get on with his life and try to get back to normal.

C.The audio enhance the photos because it tells you what is going on in the picture insted of people guessing what is going on.

D.The photos help the story because it shows what is going on in his life and how it was for him.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get close, capture real moments, and capture action or emotion? Explain how you dealt with these challenges.

I would have to say all three because when taking a picture you will have come trouble getting the capture real, moment, and trying to capture action and emotion.

2. What technical aspects of photography (focus, exposure, composition) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.

I was thinking about the focus because sometimes it is kind of hard for me just because i'm trying to capture the image and it's a little hard.

3. Explain how you attempted to use at least one of the advanced composition techniques you learned in class while shooting.

I tryed to use The Rule of Thirds while trying to shoot. I also tryed to remember Lines, Balance, Framing, Avoiding Mergers when I was shooting.

4. What would you do differently the next time you shoot to improve your photographs?

I would try to get the image caption better and get closer to the person or thing that i'm trying to get the Picture.

Funny Caption - learning how to do it RIGHT

A Hello-Kitty-Decorated car in Austin , TX.
I guess this is what happens when you let your 9-year old daughter design your new car.

Peter Scott , his wife Christin and their 12 year old son are visiting the Wildlife Zoo in Denver , Colorado. They knew there weren't fences , but what they didn't know, was that Hubert, the Buffalo , would like to give them directions out.

A car that mysteriously appeared in the pool of a family.What's the point of going to the car wash...when you can get it for free in your neighbors pool.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Processing Black and White Photos

First this you need to do is to load the film onto the reel and put it on the tank. Now lay the stuff infront of you and learn were they are and what they are. After you learn were they are u need to turn off the lights.

Step 1: In the dark, take the film from the cassette, then pull the flat end off the 35mm canister and unwind the film and take the end of the film from the spool by peeling off the tape in total darkness ! ! !

Step 2: Load the film onto a plastic film reel if you're a beginner and a metal reel if you're more experienced, if you'd like you can use plastic, it's all up to you. If you're using the plastic film reel slide one end of the film into a slot on the outer edge of the reel and feed it through the camer until it loads.

Step 3: Put the reel in the film tank. Now that the reel in in the containar you can turn on the light. Now you will need the following chemicals out in front of you: a filme developer, a stop bath, and a fixer with hardener, and a hypo eliminatro bath.

Step 4: First make sure the temperature of the chemicals is good, development is directly affected by two things the speed of the film and the temperature of the developer.

Step 5: Pour your developer into the open part of the sealed film can and cover it, do not open the whole can. Slightly turn the tank upside down every minute. Tap the tank several times after turning it upright to remove air bubbles. Develop the fil for the time that the packaging recommends. When you finish lift the lid off slightly to poor out the developer.

Step 6: pour running water into the pour spot for one minute to stop the development. You could mix some glacial acetic acid with the water and let the film set for 30 seconds to get the developer off. This is know as stop bath.

Step 7: Use a fixer with hardener to help keep scratches off of the negative. Fixing can take up to 5-10 minutes depending on what fixer you are using, so make sure to pay attention to what the fixer directions say.

Step 8: Remove the cover cover of the tank completly and sit the film in cold runing water for five minutes. You will want to pull out a small amount of the film to see if your negatives came out well.

Step 9: You need to get al the fixer ogg the negatives to avoid the white stains on them. Pour a tankful of Hypo Eliminator and let it set for 2 mins.

Step 10: Wash the film for exactly 5 minutes, no more and no less.

Step 11: pull the film out of the tank. Do not touch the surface of the negatives ! Use washing pins or film clips to hang the film to dry in a dust-free area.

Step 12: In about 1-2 hours, the film will dry annd u need to use scissors to cut the film into strips of six long negatives. Do not cut the film it self just the space you can cut. Store the negative in clear glassline envopes or PVC plastic negative pages.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What the pros are doing - Repetition

Up, Up and Away

A balloonist makes the final checks on his balloon as he prepares for a 100-balloon mass take-off at dawn at the International Balloon Fiesta in Bristol, England.

This picture is a good example for repetition because the colored bubbles lead to the middle of the picture where the balloonist stands.

Flashing Lights

Xenon lights shine over Launch Pad 39A before NASA canceled the first launch attempt for Space Shuttle Discovery on mission STS-128 due to weather, at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA has also cancelled the second launch attempt, scheduled for August 26, because of

a faulty liquid hydrogen fill and drain valve.

I think this is a very nice example for repetition because the light leads the eye right to the middle of the picture.The reflection of the light in the water also looks very good .


Lisa Simpson appears on television screens on a new Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 after its inaugural passenger flight from Singapore to Sydney, Australia.

The repetition is in this picture very obvious , the face of Lisa Simpson repeats itself in almost every screen on the seets and this leads the eye all the way to the front of the plane.

Monday, October 26, 2009

What the pros are doing - Sports

1.) Focal length of lens -Shot at 1/640 f/2.8
2.) Shutter Speed -The shutter speed of this photo would be how the potographer got this shot.
3.) What is the effect of shooting at this shutter speed?The effect would be as to how he is jumping over the other players.
4.) Aperture-Canon EOS-1D, EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM zoom
5.) What is the effect (Depth of field) of shooting at this aperture?How the photographer got this image so well and how he/she got this image before the player got the touchdown.
6.) Position-IS USM zoom

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Academics Preview

"The Story"

I think this photo is a fantastic example for a picture that tells story.You can see two hands in this picture , one belongs to an older person and one to a younger. You can see both hands on a game board so the two persons these hands belong to are appearently playing some kind of board game. The story in yhis picture is that a younger person takes care of an .older. Both generations are having fun together.


"Action and Emotion"

This is a good picture that represents "Action and Emotion" , because you can see a man welding a piece of metal and hot glowing sparks are flying away from him. The man is propably very conzentrated because he is doing a dangerous job.

"Filling the frame"

This is a good example for filling in because the photo is very colorful und the whole picture is filled out mainly with the girl in green but there is a girl in the background , too.There are also the thing the girl is working on and a bucket and a few brushes

show and tell








I find this picture very interesting because there are so many different colors especially on the gitarists west and his gitarre. I find the blury man walking by interesting , too because this makes the picture look as if the man is standing there already for a long time , which is propably the point of the picture because the title of the song that this picture represents is "This is where I am , all the time."

This is the video I like because I loved the book when I was a child I am really curious how the movie is going to be because the book is not very long and I wonder how they put that in a one and a half hour movie !

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

The first picture I saw from William was this one on the right.

I think it is a very interesting picture , because the boy holding the gun looks so bitter and serious about his weapon even though it is just a toy gun. I think all pictures of William Klein tell you a story and I like trying to figure them out.

I see...
me and my butler get in my expencive car.

I smell... exhaust gases from my car and the expenive leather on my seats.

I hear... people honking and chlidren children screaming hystericly in one of their games.

I taste... the finelly wine I just had in one of the most popular restaurants in town.

I feel... the satisfaction of being rich having a own car to a time just very few people have one.

I see... a weird photographer coming up to the place I hang out every day and taking a picture of me.
I smell... the delicous smell of the burger place one house away and the exhaust gases of the hundreds of cars driving by every day.
I hear... the cars honking and people telling me to get out of their way but my stomach begging for some food is by far the loudest noise.
I taste...
I feel...

Contest Preview

Daniel Reese, Westlake High School

I chose this picture because I like the fact that the photographer put himself in danger to take this picture.If you look at it you almost think it is you sitting on the edge of this canyon and those are youre legs hanging down there , I think this makes the picture very powerful. The view is also great and the legs function a little bit like leading lines towards the middle.

1. Rule of Third ( the house )

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hurricane Ike (Picture 3)

I think this is a very interesting picture because you can see 3 of the 6 rules on it
1. It is a good example for avoiding mergers because the street sweeper in the front has a different color than the building in the backround.
2. It is a good example for lines because of the lines on the building that seem to escape from the middle to the left and the right.
3. It is also an example for the rule of third because the man ist standing in the bottom right corner and seems to be walking towards the middle.

Hurricane Ike (Picture 2)

I think this is a fantastic example for the rule simplicity because there is one man walking down the street and there are no other people and not even cars.
The suit the man is wearing and the grey fog give the picture something mysterious.

Hurricane Ike (Picture 1)

This is a great example for lines because the pole they are walking on is diagonal which also gives the picture a dynamic touch.
It is a picture that is taken to the right time because 3 people are walking over the pole so this picture has action.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My positive Pinhole Picture
The differences are that in the negative picture the sky is dark and the surroundings are light so the light things are dark and the dark things are light. Also the image is in the opposite side as in the positive.
Negative - expressing or containing negation or denial expressing refusal to do something( .
Negative photography- A negative picture is an inversion of a positive image, in which light areas appear dark and vice versa ( .
Bending- Is when light bends away or towards the normal thus creating bending in a picture ( ) .

My negative Pinhole Picture

Friday, September 25, 2009

Great Black and White Photographers Part 2

William Klein Biography

William Klein was born in New York on April 19 , 1928 ,he was part of a Jewish family which at that time was hard for him because he felt like an outsider since New York was mainly Irish his classmates and people on the street would discriminate him for that.
He was a smart kid by the age of fourteen he was able to go to college and study sociology once he turned 18 Klein enrolled in the army and was station in Germany before completing his course. Klein set out to re-invert photography.In 1949 Klein went to Paris and studied under lhote and fernand ledger.
In 1952 Klein had two shows in milan at the 'Piccoloteatro' and at the 'Galleria il Milione' and began tocollaborate with the architect Angelo Mangiarotti,who commissioned murals on moveable panelsthat could be used as room dividers. People were fascinated by his out of focus and high contrast prints that he got offer a job at New York. After going t to New York he went back to France and published three more books : Moscow ,Tokyo and Rome.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Great Black and White Photographers

John Gutmann - Cord in Harlem
New York 1936
I like this picture because it shoes a really good Oldtimer back in its best times.

Great Black and White Photographers

William Klein - Broadway and 103rd Street
New York 1954-55
I like this picture because the little boy seems so serious even though it is just a toy gun.It reminds me that you believe everthing when you are young.

Great Black and White Photographers

Irving Penn - After-Dinner Games
New York 1947
I like this picture because it reminds me of my home :
On some evenings we play cardgames and my mom usually has a wine and my dad a coffee.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Camera

Definitions :
Aperture - is a hole or an opening through which light is admitted.
Shutter - is a device that allows light to pass for a determined period of time, for the purpose of exposing photographic film or a light-sensitive electronic sensor to light to capture a permanent image of a scene.
Exposure - is the total amount of light allowed to fall on the photographic medium (photographic film or image sensor) during the process of taking a photograph.
Depth of field - is the portion of a scene that appears sharp in the image.
F-stop - expresses the diameter of the entrance pupil in terms of the focal length of the lens; in simpler terms, the f-number is the focal length divided by the "effective" aperture diameter.
Focal length - is a measure of how strongly it converges (focuses) or diverges (diffuses) light.
My words :
Focusing Screen- A camera in which the image appears on a ground-glass. The lenses being mechanically coupled for focusing.
Pentaprism- A prism that has five faces, a pair of which are at 90 degress to each other, a ray entering one of the pair emerges from the other at an angle of 90 degress to its original direction: used esp. in single-lens reflex cameras to reverse images laterally and reflect them to the viewfinder.
Pixel- The smallest element of an image that can be individually processed in a video display system.
Autofocus- Automatically having to focus the lens of an image.

Friday, September 11, 2009

This is a good example for balance in pictures because the Twin Towers and the Statue of Liberty are in balance on this picture.
Rule of Third
This is a good example for the Rule of Third because he plane is in the upper right point.
It is also good because the plane flies towards to the middle of the picture.

Avoiding Mergers
I think this is a good example for Avoiding Mergers because the the fireman has a different color than the backround.

The Towers are a different color than the backround and stand out.You can focus easily on them.

This is a nice example for Framing because the wrecked wall on the bottom and on the left frame the picture and you get a feeling of sadness.

The pole is a diagonal line in the picture and there are a lot more lines in the backround and they give the picture a dynamic feel.

Friday, September 4, 2009

This is the picture I like :

1. On this picture you can see a teenager who carries the earth.

2.The teenager is in focus and in the backround you can see what I think is a traktor.

3.He is actually just laying on a flat floor but becouse of the little hole in the camera the floor looks round. And the picture is turned around so it looks like he is carrying the earth.

This is the picture I dont like :
1. The person that reaches for the window on the bottom of the picture is blur because you can see the brick wall through him.
2. The windows in the middle of the picture are in focus and the top of the building is out of focus.
3. The middle of the wall (which is in focus ) is pretty big and to the top of the building it gets smaller.